Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Week 8 Comments and Feedback
Feedback In:
I find the critical comments most useful since they help me grow. I don't particularly find the regular comments useful because all they really do is give you a confidence boost because nobody is going to point out the flaws in a story unless they are instructed to do so.

Feedback Out:
I think my constructive comments are more useful than the comments I leave about how much I enjoyed a story. People put in more thought and work in their projects, so it is easier to leave constructive comments there when people are looking for directions and improvements for their projects, but for weekly stories it is a bit more difficult to assess how much feedback they actually need for their weekly short stories.

Blog Comments:
I enjoyed commenting on introduction posts and getting to know people in the class. It is interesting to see the kinds of stories people come up with. I think you can learn a lot about someone based on the stories they write.

Looking Forward:
I need to budget my time during the week so I can make sure to get the commenting done before Sunday. I will probably make some adjustments to my introduction when I decide exactly how to start my first story so that the introduction flows smoothly into the story. My comment wall is naked because I am a little behind in the class.

I am such a perfectionist; sometimes to the point where I spend so long perfecting an assignment that I end up submitting it late. Often, I would rather get a 0 than a grade that doesn't reflect my best work. Part of the great thing about feedback is that it allows others to help you perfect your work so the pressure isn't all on you to be perfect. I think number 2 on this list applies most to the important of the feedback process because it is okay to be imperfect if the purpose of feedback is to offer guidance and improve your work.
