Reading Notes: Nivedita's Krishna, Part A
(Image: Kansa's sister and best friend carrying Krishna to safety)
Story Source: Cradle Tales of Hinduism (1907) by Sister Nivedita
The Birth of Krishna
- Kansa: wicked, oppressive, unjust, evil, tyrant king of Mathura
- prophecy: 8th child of Kansa's sister and best friend will slay him, so Kansa put them in jail.
- Kansa killed 7 of their children, maybe one escaped
- Krishna was the 8th child, born with 4 arms
- He had the signs of Vishnu
- They did a baby swap
The Divine Childhood
- Kansa had demon Asuras, who could assume any shape and fly (like rakshasas)
- Putana, a Vampire-nurse, killed infants. Krishna killed her
- Krishna grew magically fast
- In his mouth was all the world and finite universe
- Yasoda tied Krishna up and went to work
- Krishna's rice became jewels
- Rope couldn't tie his hands
Krishna in the Forests
- Animals lowe when they see Krishna
- Krishna played flute
- Once a year in the farm, they played a game of triumph over Kansa
- Krishna kills the ram, this became an annual celebration
The Dilemma of Brahma
- Krishna's touch brought salvation to a demon
- Brahma the god was watching Krishna as a boy and wanted to find out if he was human or divine
- Brahma thought Krishna was reincarnate of Vishnu and wanted to prove it
- Day for god is year for man (178)
- Krishna made children and cows that disappeared for one whole year
- The animals were Vishnu? wut
Conquest of the Snake Kaliya
- All the children drank out of the lake except Krishna.
- All the kids died, but Krishna brought them back to life, "his mercy and love could not fail to give life and strength, and he poured them out in abundance over his fainting friends" (181)
- He wanted to get rid of Kaliya
- Dived into the lake, punched around in the water, and Kaliya tried to drown him.
- Underwater for minutes
- Bolorama (older brother) asked for Krishna to give them a sign
- threw his flute out of the lake
- Kaliya's family pleaded to let him live. Krishna left Kaliya one head
The Lifting of the Mountain
- Krishna "was born to put an end to the worship of Indra and the weather-deities, and to establish in its place, faith in Narayan, god himself, lord of the souls, not of the fortunes of men." (186)
- Indra didn't want to resign his offerings. He sent down rain.
- the water flowed down day after day without intermission. Like the Bible flood.
- Krishna lifted up the mountain and allowed his people to take shelter beneath it. He protected them 7 days and nights until Indra was exhausted and repentant
- Indra worshiped Krishna
- Everyone prostrated to Krishna
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