Reading Notes: Mahabharata, Part D

Source: Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie (1913).
- Kings typically have good previous lives
Horse Sacrifice
Source: Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie (1913).
- Yudhishthira lived a life of purity and self-restraint
- his karma rap sheet is almost paid off
Source: Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie (1913).
- Krishna was cursed
- shot in food and died
The Pandavas Depart
Source: Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie (1913).
- Yudhishthira divided the kingdom and told them to live at peace
- Yudhishthira understood all events were karmic consequences: Told Bhima Draupadi died because her heart was bound up in Arjuna and had her reward", so he didn't react to karmic consequences and cause himself more bad karma
- Yudhishthira said Arjuna died because "he boasted confidently that he could destroy all his enemies in one day, and because he failed in his vow he hath fallen by the way."
- He said Bhima died "because of thy cursing and gluttony and thy pride"
- Yudhishthira was met by Indra who told him to ascend
- Yudhishthira didn't want to go to heaven without his brothers and his wife Draupadi and his dog
- if you are reborn as a dog you probably did something in a past life, but this dog turned into Dharma
- It seems like some sort of test that Yudhishthira passed.
The Afterlife
Source: Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie (1913).
- He appears to go to heaven, where duryodhana is ruling and the Kauravans were all there
- His brethren and Draupadi have fallen short says Indra
- "the damned were burning in everlasting fires"
- his brothers and Draupadi cried for him to stay and comfort them
- Yudhishthira said he has to stay to "assuage the sufferings" of his family
- It all disappears and he passed the test
- He became a celestial and entered Swarga
- He entered real heaven and his loved ones were all there
- "by doing kindly deeds, by uttering gentle words, and by enduring all suffering with patience. The holy life is prepared for all the sons of men."
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