Class Assignments

Thoughts on Class Assignments

I have taken a few online classes and I always enjoy the ones that encourage student interaction more because it is easy to forget that there are other students in online classes since we don't see each other in person. I've never taken a class with this grading system and so many extra credit opportunities. In fact, many of my online classes did not allow us to work ahead past the weekly assignments, so I really like having the option to work ahead since some weeks are busier than others for me. I'm interested in the Wikipedia Trails extra credit assignment because this is basically what I do when researching on my own. I'm also really interested in Growth Mindset and HEART extra credit because I love opportunities for personal growth. I enjoy reading other people's posts and interacting with people online, so the extra commenting extra credit is something I would be interested in. I feel more empowered in my own education in this class rather than feeling like a helpless, confused dog. 

(Confused Dog, Source: Imgur)
